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Vol.1, No.3, 2022: pp.88-97



Dejan Lukić1

, Dejan Božić1, Mijodrag Milošević1

, Nicolae Ungureanu2

 Stevo Borojević3

, Aco Antić1

1University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia
2Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Engineering and Technologic Management, Baia Mare, Romania
3University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Received: 16.05.2022.
Accepted: 15.08.2022.
Available: 30.09.2022.


Information systems in small manufacturing companies can have a big impact on increasing economy and productivity. Due to limited human and financial resources, these companies generally use cheaper commercial solutions or develop specialized information system solutions that are adapted to their needs. In order to properly solve the problem of introducing an information system, a thorough analysis of information flows in the company and corresponding business processes is necessary. The main subject and goal of the research in this work is related to the investigation of time losses due to the absence of an information system from the aspect of managing the flow of cutting tools, as well as the presentation of the foundations for its development in a small manufacturing company.


Small manufacturing company, Information flow, Time losses, Cutting tool management, Information system


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Volume 3
Number 2
June 2024.



How to Cite

D. Lukić, D. Božić, M. Milošević, N. Ungureanu, S. Borojević, A. Antić, Development of the System for Cutting Tool Flows Management in a Small Manufacturing Company. Advanced Engineering Letters, 1(3), 2022: 88–97.

More Citation Formats

Lukić, D., Božić, D., Milošević, M., Ungureanu, N., Borojević, S., & Antić, A. (2022). Development of the System for Cutting Tool Flows Management in a Small Manufacturing Company. Advanced Engineering Letters1(3), 88–97.

Lukić, Dejan, et al. “Development of the System for Cutting Tool Flows Management in a Small Manufacturing Company.” Advanced Engineering Letters, vol. 1, no. 3, 2022, pp. 88–97,

Lukić, Dejan, Dejan Božić, Mijodrag Milošević, Nicolae Ungureanu, Stevo Borojević, and Aco Antić. 2022. “Development of the System for Cutting Tool Flows Management in a Small Manufacturing Company.” Advanced Engineering Letters 1 (3): 88–97.

Lukić, D., Božić, D., Milošević, M., Ungureanu, N., Borojević, S. and Antić, A. (2022). Development of the System for Cutting Tool Flows Management in a Small Manufacturing Company. Advanced Engineering Letters, 1(3), pp.88–97. doi: 10.46793/adeletters.2022.1.3.3.