ISSN (Online): 2812-9709
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Publisher Information
The Association of Intellectuals for the Development of Science in Serbia – “The Serbian Academic Center” (SAC) was founded in 2011 to achieve goals in the field of scientific research activities and artistic creation. SAC was founded by prominent scientists (members of the Academy of Sciences and university professors).
The primary goal of SAC is to engage in the publishing activities of monographs and periodicals (books and scientific journals).
Other goals of SAC are: promotion of the development of science and art, promotion of scientific research and artistic creation, public advocacy and encouragement for the affirmation of science and art among young people, professional development, as well as protection of individual and collective rights of scientific and educated workers, artists and SAC members.
Publishing Contact:
The Association of Intellectuals for the Development of Science in Serbia – “The Serbian Academic Center”, Stevana Mokranjca St. 18/31, 21000 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia
e-mail: and
tel: +381 63 581 504
Publishing Manager:
Ph.D. Aleksandar Ašonja