ISSN (Online): 2812-9709
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Aims and Scope
Advanced Engineering Letters consider and publishes articles that significantly advance the science of Machines and Systems. Authors are recommended that the research articles they submit have as a result: a visible minimization of the use of materials, raw materials, energy, water, and work time; improvement of already existing materials used and increased level of reliability of Machines and Systems in operation.
Publication preference will be given to practical and experimental research articles that report on the development of innovative solutions. Research articles reporting significant advances in theoretical and simulation methods are desirable when the research results are fully verified using appropriate experimental data, as well as articles writing the application of theoretical or numerical methods for Machine and System development. Presented research results through original optimized scientific solutions, mathematical models, new methods, and test procedures or the improvement of existing methods and test procedures should demonstrate evident progress of science. Scientific papers submitted for publication must have high scientific quality and relevance and must be written in a way that makes them accessible to the entire scientific, professional, and other public. All the methods used in the research must be presented in detail so that the results can be reproduced.
The scope of the journal includes: Development, Advanced Materials, Mechanical Engineering, Energy Engineering, Control and Optimization, Reliability, Technical Diagnostics, Maintenance, Sustainability, and Operational Research.